Non-Invasive Laser Lipolysis and Body Sculpting with MP2


Many people eat healthy and exercise. Despite this, there can still be stubborn pockets of fat and lax skin that remain. Venus BlissTM is clinically proven to non-invasively induce lipolysis safely and comfortably, using the diode laser applicators that are placed on the body to deliver energy to and heat the adipose tissue layer. This results in a reduction of fat in the treated areas up to 40%. In addition, Venus BlissTM is also equipped with an (MP)2 applicator to further destroy fat cells, tighten skin, reduce circumference*, and reduce cellulite*. The technologies on Venus BlissTM provide patients with a comprehensive treatment solution, resulting in a smooth, slim and sculpted appearance. Read below for more information and get started with your consultation!

Body Slimming, Skin Tightening, Cellulite Reduction, Fat Treatments


Have you been struggling with stubborn fat and cellulite in areas that just wont go away no matter what you do? Struggle no more with our advanced medical aesthetic Laser Lipo and Skin tightening treatments. Book a free consultation to see what our device is about, how it works, and create a personalized treatment plan customized to you and your goals.



Laser lipolysis, commonly known as laser lipo or laser fat removal, is a non-invasive medical aesthetic procedure designed to reduce localized fat deposits and contour the body. It involves the use of laser energy to target and destroy fat cells beneath the skin. Its FDA approved, clinically tested, and requires no downtime!

The laser lipolysis procedure involves the use of a laser diode applicator placed directly on the skin in the targeted area, which could include the thighs, buttocks, abdomen, flanks, or upper back with a minimum inch of pinchable fat. The 25-minute treatment cycle alternates between lasing and cooling to target the subcutaneous fat layer while preventing the skin from overheating.

During the procedure, laser energy reaches the adipose (fat) cells, inducing Lipolysis and Apoptosis. Lipolysis is a natural biological process in which triglycerides, the fat molecules stored in adipose cells, are broken down into fatty acids and glycerol. These byproducts are then flushed out or dispersed through the metabolic and lymphatic systems. In simpler terms, Lipolysis is the body's natural way of utilizing stored fat. Laser lipolysis induces this process in the targeted area, allowing the body to use or destroy stored fat. The heat generated by the laser may also cause some damage to the fat cell membranes, triggering a cellular response known as apoptosis or programmed cell death. This prompts the body's immune system to naturally eliminate damaged fat cells.

Both Lipolysis and apoptosis are integral processes in the body's metabolism, energy regulation, and cellular function. Laser lipolysis is designed to harness these mechanisms to reduce localized fat deposits and contour the treated area in a safe yet effective way!

Body Sculpting Mp2

Fat reduction, skin tightening, and collagen production all in one device. Mp2 is the perfect pairing to the Laser Lipo treatment. Designed to further results with added benefits, comfortable and safe!

MP2 is a handheld device designed to firm the skin, diminish fat, and address cellulite. The procedure incorporates Multipolar Radio Frequency, Pulsed Electro Magnetic Fields (PEMF), and VaripulseTM Technology. Radio Frequency generates heat, reaching a target of at least 105 Degrees Fahrenheit through continuous movement over the treatment area. This targeted heat facilitates lipolysis, shrinking fat cells and reducing cell volume. Additionally, it stimulates collagen production, enhancing skin elasticity for an overall sculpted appearance. Acting like a shrink wrap or snug jeans, it trims circumference and leaves the treated area looking firmer. Pulsed Electro Magnetic Fields (PEMF) enhance blood circulation, supporting metabolism and the removal of destroyed fat cells. VaripulseTM technology, with suction and pulsing, is tailored for treating subcutaneous fat deposits and cellulite. This combination targets cellulite and reduces the size of fat deposits, reshaping the body and instilling confidence by addressing stubborn areas that seem resistant to change.

Laser Lipolysis should be done once every 4-6 weeks, 3 times MINIMUM to see best results. It takes only 25 minutes per session! Mp2 Body Sculpting should be done 8-10 sessions, once a week. This takes about 20-30 per session depending on treatment area. Pairing the two devices together is ideal in reaching your goals, they are specifically designed to work together and further results. Treatments are cumulative, the more sessions, the better the results! Treatment plans vary per client and will be discussed during your comprehensive consultation.

Cellulite Focused Treatment

Using the Mp2 with concentrated and structured techniques we are able to reduce cellulite and tighten skin into the targeted area.

By using the Mp2 to focus on cellulite, we can see significant improvement in our clients. Cellulite is extremely stubborn and resistant so it requires patience and a minimum of 12-14 sessions done once a week. By customizing and tailoring our Mp2 settings to each client and desired goal, the cellulite is finally able to break through and smooth out. The RF, PEMF, and Varipulse work together to tighten the area while working through the fat deposits for smoothing from the INSIDE, OUT! This must be done in concentrated areas one section at a time. Touch up sessions will be needed about every 3 months. Consultation is required.

Key Benefits of Treatments:

A trimmer, more defined body, reduced stubborn fat (LASER).

  • • Helps you gain confidence by smoothing, tightening, and toning the skin (RF MP2).

  • • A permanent solution (provided you do not gain weight).

  • • Fat reduction is the most in-demand treatment for both men and women after injectables. Noninvasive, no downtime and no surgery!

  • • Highest representation of male patients compared to any other non-surgical procedure.

  • NON-INVASIVE LIPOLYSIS/ FAT TREATMENT: Induces fat cell destruction in the abdomen, flanks, arms, upper back (bra budge), and thighs

  • SKIN TIGHTENING: Firms up and smoothens sagging skin. Acts as a shrink wrap to the body creating a slimmer appearance

  • CIRCUMFERENTIAL REDUCTION: Further reduces the circumference of the treated area and Contours the appearance of the body

  • CELLULITE REDUCTION: Smoothens cellulite out on any areas below the neck


1. Am I a good candidate for this treatment? / Will this treatment work for me?

Fat treatments are safe for patients of any skin tone with a Body Mass Index of 30 or less.
For safety reasons, you may not be able to get this treatment if you have/are:

• Open lesions, wounds, or any sign of compromised wound healing
• Any unrepaired abdominal hernia
• Pregnant and/or breastfeeding
• A history of immunodeficiency disorders or using immunosuppressive medications
• A coagulation disorder or history of keloids
• Any neuropathic disorder, impaired skin sensation, or diabetic neuropathy
• Any skin sensitivity disorders or taking photosensitized medications
• An active tan or exposure to artificial tanning devices/excessive sunlight one week before or after your treatment
• Moderate to severe visceral fat, cellulite, or loose skin in the treatment area
• Currently using antiplatelets, anti-inflammatories, thrombolytics, anticoagulants, or heavy aspirin (more than 81 mg per day)
• History or evidence of squamous cell carcinoma or melanoma

2. I have darker skin – can I still get this treatment done?
Yes. Fat treatments with Venus Bliss™ are safe for all skin tones, even darker ones.

3. How many sessions will I need to see results?

Each client will need minimum 8-10 Mp2 Body Sculpting Sessions and 3-5 Laser Lipolysis Treatments for the best results. Generally we see the start of the results at around weeks 4-6 but this varies on client, treatment plan and goals. The exact number and treatment plan will depend on each individual person and the area being treated.

4. How long does each treatment take?

One Laser Lipolysis Fat Elimination treatments take 25 minutes to complete one area (Abdomen, Flanks, Thighs, Upper back/Bra Buldge or Arms). The Mp2 Body Sculpting sessions take 20-30 minutes per area depending on area, (same as above) size and treatment plan. Clients should plan for a 45 minutes per area for prep and post treatment care.

5. If I’m getting multiple treatments done, how often/far apart should the sessions be?

Laser Lipolysis Fat Elimination should be done once every 4-6 weeks with 3-5 treatments minimum. Mp2 Body Sculpting should be done once every week for 8-14 weeks minimum. All treatment plans will be customized and vary, so a consultation is necessary to determine what is best for you.

6. Do I need to do anything to prepare for the treatment?

Just make sure your skin is clean. Do not apply any lotions or creams on the area you’re having treated immediately before your session. Also, note that the laser treatment cannot be done over tattoos. Before starting, your treatment provider will likely take a “before” photo, check your weight, examine the area for any irregularities, and mark out the treatment area.


1. How long does a treatment session last?

One Laser Lipolysis Fat Elimination treatments take 25 minutes to complete one area (Abdomen, Flanks, Thighs, Upper back/Bra Buldge or Arms). The Mp2 Body Sculpting sessions take 20-30 minutes per area depending on area, (same as above) size and treatment plan. Clients should plan for a 45 minutes per area for prep and post treatment care.

2. What does the treatment feel like?

A Laser treatment with Venus Bliss™ will start with a cooling phase for a few seconds where you’ll feel a slight chill from the applicators on your skin. You will then gradually feel the applicators getting warmer. Once the temperature builds, the applicators will switch to cooling mode again for a brief period to maintain the therapeutic temperature in the fat layer and to keep the treatment as comfortable as possible. This process of heating and cooling will continue for the duration of your treatment. Mp2 Body Sculpting will feel like a hot stone massage over the treatment area, heat varies and is adjusted as the session goes for comfortability and effectiveness.

3. Will it be painful?

Treatments with Venus Bliss™ received high comfort ratings during clinical studies. You may feel a bit of discomfort as the applicators get warmer—this is expected as part of the non-invasive process for targeting the underlying fat—but it should still be manageable. Most of our clients have had great experiences, and some may even fall asleep during the process. However, pain tolerances do depend on each individual’s body; beginning with our Intro Session (with consult and one full session) may be wise to see if this is best for you.


1. How will I feel after my treatment?

If anything, you’ll feel relaxed. The treatment is comfortable and has been compared to a relaxing hot stone massage. Some patients have even fallen asleep while they were getting treated. The area that was treated may be tender or sore for that day, but not enough to affect your daily activities. Some bruises or redness may occur but will resolve within the week.

2. How long will the results last and are they permanent?

The treatments are cumulative. After your final treatment, your results will continue to improve for up to 3 months. With Laser Lipolysis, the fat cells that have been destroyed are gone forever! However, this does not mean you will not gain weight. If your lifestyle changes and weight gain does occur, your remaining fat cells will swell and expand. Keeping up with an overall healthy lifestyle is recommended. You may come back as needed to continue treatments, if needed. After Mp2 Sessions, the skin on your body will continue to age, so the tightening or cellulite maintenance is recommended once a month or every 3-4 months, depending on the person.

3. Is there downtime after the treatment? / How long is the recovery time?

Absolutely no downtime. The treatment area may look a little flushed and warm to the touch, but this will go away within 1-2 hours. You can return to your daily schedule immediately after your treatment. Bruises and tenderness may occur but not enough to affect your daily routines.

4. Do I need to do anything after my treatment?

The only thing you need to do is massage the area twice a day for 5-10 minutes. This encourages lymphatic drainage and ensures all fat deposits are passed through the body’s metabolic system as quickly as possible. Here at Eve Beauty, we encourage our clients to drink plenty of water and stay moderately active for increased lymphatic drainage.

5. Can I put on lotion right after my treatment?

Yes, you can apply lotion immediately after your treatment.


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